By Jack Shafer
August 31, 2019
Not for nothing was Donald Trump inducted into the WWE wrestling hall of fame in 2013. The man knows how to stage a fake fight—like his current brawl with the Fox News Channel. On Wednesday, he mounted a three-tweet attack on Rupert Murdoch’s channel. He savaged it for covering the Democrats, for hiring Democratic strategist Donna Brazile, for keeping Juan Williams and Shep Smith on the payroll, and he invited its viewers to stop watching his once-favorite channel.
“The New @FoxNews is letting millions of GREAT people down!” the president barked. “We have to start looking for a new News Outlet. Fox isn’t working for us anymore!”
This tantrum followed a similar surge of fury from Trump in March, when he denounced Fox’s weekend anchors, asking whether they had been trained by CNN.