(Hillsborough County, Florida, July 9, 2024). Today, Larry Klayman, Esq., legal counsel for former Sheriff Joe Arpaio and a current mayoral candidate sued President Joe Biden and Biden for President in Hillsborough County Circuit Court in Florida, for defaming Arpaio as a convicted felon along with defaming former President Donald Trump. These defendants published, as set forth in the Complaint, that “Trump brings to the stage Joe Arpaio, a convicted felon who was pardoned by Trump after he racially profiled and abused immigrants.” The case is styled Arpaio v. Biden et al., Filing No. 202146032, and was filed in the Circuit Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Hillsborough County, Florida.
The motive for this publication, which was alleged to be published with actual malice, was to tar Sheriff Arpaio and thus Trump, who Arpaio strongly supports, and thus Trump’s election prospects in Florida, the third largest state and a key one in any presidential contest.
As set forth in the Complaint, Sheriff Arpaio is not a felon, but was found liable for a simple misdemeanor.
Klayman had to this to say upon filing suit for Sheriff Arpaio:
“I will not stand by and allow my great friend and client, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, to be smeared and defamed by a dishonest president and his Democrat henchmen simply to harm Trump’s presidential election prospects. By equating the two men as “felons,” the desperate Joe Biden, who not only is alleged to have taken bribes, laundered through his drug addict and true “convicted felon” Hunter Biden, but who is now seen as essentially braindead with severe cognitive issues, I will not stand idly by to allow this falsehood to be perpetrated on the American public. Joe Biden and his evil clowns at Biden for President, Inc., will be held to legally account and to pay for their defamation of a good and patriotic man, which has contributed to serious threats against him.”
For more information contact Asher Anderson at freedomwatchinc@gmail.com