If you haven’t already renewed your vital support for Freedom Watch for 2023, please give what you can right away.
As a faithful supporter of Freedom Watch, you know I’m fighting tooth and nail for the January 6 peaceful protesters with two critical, class action lawsuits and other hard-hitting legal actions.
And you know I’m seeking criminal convictions of Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci, Attorney General Merrick, and FBI Director Christopher Wray for their grave crimes against the American people.
Freedom Watch fights, legally and peacefully, because you and I, our children, grandchildren, and fellow Americans are in extremely grave danger.
I can feel that down to my bones. And I bet you can, too.
Frankly, it keeps me up at night.
I’m reminded of a powerful quote by our Founding Father, George Washington:
“The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die.”
Obviously, we aren’t an army…but we are patriots who understand what’s at stake for the future of our beloved country if we don’t take action right now.
And we will need courage and resolve to fight back in this crucial year, peacefully and legally, for our endangered rights and freedoms.
I’m counting on you.
Thank you so much!

Larry Klayman
Founder, Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch
Chairman and General Counsel, Freedom Watch, Inc.