Please give a crucial $10, $25, $50, $100, or more IMMEDIATELY to fully fund my two critical lawsuits and other hard-hitting legal actions to FREE ALL JANUARY 6 PROTESTERS and SET THEM FREE.
At her August 12th press conference, House Speaker and Destroy America liberal Nancy Pelosi was asked:
“…how concerned are you about an increased level of violence against law enforcement, against public officials? And are you concerned that some of the rhetoric from the former President could be to blame for some of those increased threats?”
Shockingly, Pelosi replied, “…we need no more evidence than a presidential incitement of an insurrection on the Capitol to know about causing concern about the safety of Members of Congress, of our Capitol, of our Constitution and of our law enforcement.”
That’s a bald-faced LIE.
You and I both know President Trump hasn’t called for violence against law enforcement officers.
And Republicans don’t want attacks on our police — Democrats who back the terrorist group, Black Lives Matter, do!
What’s more, it’s DEMOCRATS pushing to defund the police!
You see, Nancy Pelosi and her minions on Capitol Hill and the lying liberal media want to smear President Trump as a security threat to keep him from running for re-election.
And they’re trying to smear the January 6 Protesters as terrorists and criminals so they can keep their hold on power for decades to come.
Our beautiful country couldn’t be in graver danger!
Right now, I’m fighting to get justice for the January 6 Protesters and set them free. I’ve filed two crucial lawsuits and other hard-hitting legal actions to do just that.
But those lawsuits and more are very expensive…and believe me, I don’t have fat cat foundations and Fortune 500 companies lining up to help me fight the Washington, D.C. Swamp.
In fact, they want me to fail.
Will you help me fight for the jailed January 6 patriots and for the rule of law with your very best gift now of $50, $100, $250, $500, or more?
Can I count on you for at least $10 or $25 right away, if you can’t give more at this time?
I need to know you’re still standing with me, and our neighbors who’ve been jailed just because they won’t accept a stolen election.
Please give whatever you can afford immediately.
I deeply appreciate your support!

Larry Klayman
Founder and General Counsel,
Freedom Watch
P.S. President Trump and the Republicans aren’t provoking attacks on law enforcement — the Democrats are! The Democrats who praise the terrorist group, Black Lives Matter, and push to defund the police are the real threat to our families and our fellow citizens.
Free the January 6 Protestors!
Right now, un-American politicians and corrupt members of the Department of Justice are keeping our fellow Americans in jail without due process…they’re often abused and beaten…they’re blocked from seeing their wives and children…and kept from seeing their lawyers!
At least one January 6 protestor has already died.
And another protester, a patriot grandma with cancer, has just been sentenced to federal prison.
But there’s something you can do about it …you can donate immediately to Freedom Watch’s two critically important lawsuits and hard-hitting legal actions to GET JUSTICE FOR THESE PERSECUTED PATRIOTS!