Place: D.C. Federal Courthouse
Courtroom 24A (Hon. Emmet Sullivan)
333 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001
Time: 10:30 A.M. on Thursday, May 24, 2018
(Washington, D.C. May 23, 2018). Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, will appear as counsel for Freedom Watch at a hearing to take place this Thursday at 10:30 A.M. in Courtroom 24A of the D.C. federal courthouse.
Klayman will then argue before the Honorable Emmet Sullivan, the jurist who has been assigned the criminal prosecution of Rt. General Michael Flynn as well, to order the swift release of records which Freedom Watch requested under the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) of communications between special counsel Robert Mueller, the FBI and Department of Justice with the media.
These communications, which have been identified to consist of over 10,000 pages, are likely to show and confirm the special counsel’s media leaks, much of which are also likely to contain grand jury information.
Previously, Mueller, the FBI and DOJ slow rolled producing these records, and the original FOIA request is now over 5 months old. The case can be accessed on Pacer and is styled Freedom Watch v. Mueller, 18-cv-00088.
Judge Sullivan is the judge who made rulings to force the Cheney Energy Task Force to come clean with the production of documents when former Vice President Dick Cheney attempted to cover-up its secret meetings (Klayman was then general counsel of Judicial Watch), and he is also the judge who allowed for discovery of Hillary Clinton’s activities at the State Department along with her chief aide Huma Abedin in another FOIA case. He is known for following the law and being more non-partisan than most of the other federal judges in this courthouse.
As grand jury leaks are criminal, should the released records confirm that Mueller has been disclosing this information publicly, his days as special counsel will abruptly come to an end. That is the importance of this hearing.
Klayman and Freedom Watch have been active in bringing lawsuits which allege wrongful conduct by Mueller and his prosecutors, and also has a petition with nearly 24,000 signatures at urging the president to name him a second special counsel.
For more information contact (424) 274-2579 or

Freedom Watch founder Larry Klayman and Joseph Dugan, the lawyer representing the special counsel, will appear in Washington district court on May 24 at 10:30 a.m. for a status conference with Judge Emmet Sullivan.
The Hill viewed the relevant court filings, which are reported here for the first time.