My organization, Freedom Watch, has filed a class action lawsuit against Biden’s FBI and DOJ henchmen on behalf of the Americans who have “been rounded up, had their homes and businesses violated, broken into, their property such as cell phones and computers seized without probable cause, arrested, prosecuted, denied bail, or some even thrown into solitary confinement.”
Now that was just the polite, court language I used in the complaint!
Here’s the truth:
Americans have been hunted by their own government, which currently is comprised of socialists, communists, atheists and radicals of all stripes. And, the opposition, Republican Party, spends its capital and time just fundraising, promising things that historically it has never done even when it controlled the levers of power.
Without opposition from the Republicans, We the People’s lives are being ruined and their families exist in a state of TOTAL fear of black-clad “jack booted” agents kicking in their doors to throw their loved ones in government-run Gulags like the D.C. jail!
Help me fight back on behalf of all Americans by chipping in to support this Class Action Lawsuit.
We’re hitting the FBI where where it legally hurts by PERSONALLY suing FBI Director Christopher Wray, and his lead J6 “hunter” FBI Special Agent Chad Warren, as well as the other rogue agents who like Hitler’s Gestapo just “follow orders”!
This is a class action suit, as is another one we brought in northern Florida state court for another January 6, 2021, peaceful protester, Jesus Rivera. So all those peaceful protesters of January 6, 2021, and others who will stand up to tyranny can potentially be represented. There is power in numbers!
Help us get justice by backing this lawsuit!
I cannot express how important this case is.
We cannot allow our government to terrorize the public like this!
What they’re doing is putting the fear of government into the heart of EVERY patriot so that we NEVER take a stand even a peaceful against the government!
And it’s happened before . . . but by the British Crown!
Back in 1775, the Royal Governor of Virginia seized the gunpowder of the colonists.
The illegal act didn’t sit well with one guy in particular. And he was the wrong man to have standing against you.
You may remember his name, Patrick Henry, known as the “Son of Thunder.”
Henry got some local farmers together and marched to the Royal Governor’s mansion, who had already fled to a British warship.
With the governor turning tail and running, Henry went to his local tax collector and demanded 330 British Pounds to cover the cost of the stolen gunpowder — and Henry got paid!
But the British Governor from the security of a warship, issued arrest warrants for Henry and his men followed by accompanying raids.
But Henry and his men stood their ground and held off the corruption of the King and his men!
As Henry was hunted, several companies of American militia escorted him to the border as he made his way to Philadelphia to attend the Second Continental Congress! His fellow patriots kept him safe.
A year later, in July of 1776, Patrick Henry became the first governor of Virginia!
That’s what our country is all about my friend — Standing against Evil.
And like Patrick Henry and our other founding fathers . . . we NEVER back down!
Help us take the fight to the Biden-Harris Regime by backing our groundbreaking lawsuit today!
Patriot Henry would have been right there along side the other protesters on the lawn of the Capitol on January 6th!
He wouldn’t have just been among the crowd, the Son of Thunder would have LED patriots right through the doors of OUR house — just as he marched to the doors of the Royal Governor’s mansion!
And just like the militia who protected Henry from British arrest, it’s our job to protect the J6 Patriots from the same!
Our nation wasn’t founded by weaklings who take abuse from authority — and we’re the descendants of these great men and have an obligation to stand and fight against TYRANNY!
Join the fight today by backing Freedom Watch’s work — and let’s show our Founding Fathers that we are still the nation of fighters after 246 years! Peacefully and legally We the People must and will hold these government despots accountable, as both political parties show no desire to do it!
With God’s Divine Providence, we will prevail, but we must be strong and principled like our Founding Fathers!
Yours In Liberty,

Larry Klayman
Founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch
Current Chairman and General Counsel of Freedom Watch, Inc.