Dear Friend,
You know me as the founder of both Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch. But at present, no one but Freedom Watch has the experience and determination to step up and challenge the entrenched political and legal establishment in this country the way we are right now.
It’s one thing to file Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to prompt disclosure of information the American people are Constitutionally entitled to know — but another whole level of decisive and fearless action to bring suit against the U.S. Government and its crooked officials to preserve justice and the rule of law in our country.
As you know, I’m representing Dennis Montgomery, a former NSA and CIA whistleblower, in his suit against disgraced former FBI Director James Comey, for obstructing justice by “burying an investigation into the mass surveillance of Americans.” Montgomery came forward with 47 hard drives and over 600 million pages of information — much of it classified — to Comey and the FBI years ago. But Comey buried what was supposed to be an honest investigation on the illegal surveillance of Donald Trump, his associates and family, the chief justice of the Supreme Court, and other justices and hundreds of judges, among other prominent Americans. In addition, Montgomery produced evidence of illegal and unconstitutional surveillance on tens of millions of ordinary Americans, like you and your loved ones! I recently filed suit against Comey and the FBI for obstruction of justice and other illegal acts, and the case is before a courageous federal judge in DC, named Richard J. Leon.
We need your difference-making financial support immediately, which will also allow you to receive our periodic updates, YouTubes and radio podcast, “Special Prosecutor with Larry Klayman” on Radio America.
This case could derail Special Counsel Robert Mueller, along with Comey, since both of them as FBI directors “directed” illegal, unconstitutional and criminal surveillance on President Trump and millions of Americans like you and me. Montgomery knows this, has the proof, and is willing to risk it all to bring about justice and stop this Orwellian Big Brother tyranny, since he is a patriotic American. The FBI and the intelligence agencies are thus out to destroy him. That is why we need your urgent financial support, as Montgomery and our lawsuit are the keys to bringing down this corrupt bunch of traitors who want to destroy the Trump presidency and you and your loved ones in the process. The fate of the republic hangs in the balance and that is why we are enlisting you in this urgent peaceful revolution! GO TO WWW.FREEDOMWATCHUSA.ORG TO READ MORE ABOUT THIS AND OUR OTHER CASES TO RESTORE THE NATION TO GREATNESS!
And with the very real danger of critical evidence “disappearing,” we’ve filed an emergency restraining order motion with the U.S. District Court in Washington to prevent the destruction of evidence in the case and to stop the illegal surveillance on all of us. I succeeded twice before with this judge, Richard Leon, when he enjoined the NSA from illegal surveillance. And with your strong financial support we will succeed again as the illegal and unconstitutional surveillance is continuing as a clear and present danger to our republic.
This is deadly, serious business…and we’re all alone in this legal battle against the excesses of the “Deep State.” We desperately need your urgent contribution to continue our efforts and succeed.
Please stand with us in our historic and indispensable legal action to preserve our privacy and our future — extend your support to Freedom Watch today!
Larry Klayman
Chairman and General Counsel
Freedom Watch
P.S. — Here’s how you can personally help combat the crooked political establishment and their unacceptable abuse of power! Make your contribution to Freedom Watch to support our action now! Thank you —Larry