Sentencing to Occur on Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Life Imprisonment Sought
Time: 3:00 PM ET/ 12:00PM PT
View at and Freedom Watch YouTube Channel
(Boise, Idaho, October 2, 2023). Today, Larry Klayman, Esq., the founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch and current chairman and general counsel of Freedom Watch, as well as a Citizens Prosecutor, announced that Dr. Anthony Fauci is to be sentenced by Citizens’ Judge Michael Pendleton tomorrow, October 3, 2023. Last month, a criminal conviction was handed down by Citizens’ Judge Michael Pendleton, after evidence was presented to Judge Pendleton by way of Freedom Watch’s Citizens’ Grand Jury and the criminal trial of Dr. Anthony Fauci that took place on July 7, 2022.
The criminal conviction, which can be found at, finds that Dr. Anthony Fauci has committed crimes against the American people and others worldwide. Specifically, Fauci was found guilty of negligent homicide and other felonies which resulted in the deaths of millions in the United States and worldwide.
The legal bases for We the People to indict, try, convict and sentence persons like Fauci can be found at and in a book written by Klayman “It Takes a Counter-Revolution: Wake Up America!, which can be obtained by going to and is sold online by all major booksellers, including Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Klayman had this to say upon securing the conviction of Fauci before a Citizens Court and Citizens Judge:
“Dr. Anthony Fauci is perhaps the most heinous criminal of the 21st Century, as his illegal and selfish actions in sending the seeds of COVID-19, aka the SARS virus, to a military bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China to do gain of function research, and then lying about it while under oath to congress, gave rise to its release which then has caused over ten (10) million deaths and counting to date – more than in the Holocaust. To compound this negligent homicide, Fauci then pushed dangerious vaccines on the American people and the world, feathering the financial nest of Big Pharma, for which he personally profited.
“No one other than We the People can and will hold Fauci accountable for his criminal acts, deceit and profiting at the hands of millions of innocent persons who died and were severely harmed as a result of his actions. Since the seeds of Covid 19 originated in our own military lab in Ft. Dietrick, Maryland and were sent by Fauci to the Communist Chinese to experiment on, with a 2.8 million dollar grant approved by the Obama-Biden administration, this entire scandal has been covered up by Fauci and others in government and Big Pharma.”
“Fauci will be sentenced on October 3, 2023, by Citizens Judge Pendleton and Freedom Watch will seek life imprisonment. Once sentenced, Freedom Watch will seek to have established law enforcement enforce it.”
For further information contact Asher Anderson at