By Larry Klayman
November 30, 2019
As y’all know, I am a proud graduate of Duke University, an academic institution on par with Ivy League schools such as Harvard and also the equivalent academically with non-Ivy powerhouses such as Stanford. Like nearly all Dukies, I’ve been a proud fan of its basketball program, particularly at one time under Coach Mike Krzyzewski, otherwise known as Coach K.
When I was a freshman at Duke, basketball recruits in the incoming class were required — before Coach K came to the university — like all other NCAA Class-A schools, to play only on the junior varsity team. The reason: Kids needed time, free of the pressure of high-level competition, to adjust to their academic studies and not be subjected to the limelight.
See also: How to Use Impeachment to Destroy the Left!; Duke U’s Sell-Out!